H8069 Heirloom Stratocaster-Style Guitar Kit
After you have drilled the tuner holes, you can cut
the unfinished headstock to your own design.
Components Needed Qty
Guitar Neck .......................................................
To shape the headstock
1. Trace the headstock on a piece of paper.
various ideas for headstock shapes on paper
before cutting into the headstock.
2. Redraw your final headstock shape onto the
headstock with a pencil.
3. Cut the headstock out with a bandsaw or
coping saw. Be sure to cut only to the outside
edge of your pencil line.
Note: To cut sharp corners, cut several slots
perpendicular to the corner, then cut out the
small pieces. This will reduce binding on the
4. Carefully hand file the headstock to finalize
the shape.
Shaping Headstock
6. Space the centers of the remaining pegholes
⁄16" apart, as shown in Figure 7, and
from the edge of the headstock.
8. Turn the neck over and fasten a
⁄16" thick
wood shim with tape on the top side of the
headstock and over the tuner holes. This will
help stabilize the neck during the next step.
9. Center a
/64" bit over each hole drilled in
Step 7
, and drill down
/32" for the base of the
Figure 10. Drilling the pegholes.
7. Using a
⁄16" bit, drill holes through the top of
the headstock for the tuner shafts, as shown
in Figure 10.
Figure 9. Peghole spacing.