Note—For the Model G0441 Only: If you
plan to keep your machine under an 8' ceil-
ing, skip Step 15.
15. Model G0441: 8dccZXii]ZjeeZgVcYadlZg
XdaaZXi^dc Ygjbh id\Zi]Zg VcY hZXjgZ i]Zb
l^i]i]Z^cXajYZYbZiVa XaVbeVcYegdk^YZY
[VhiZcZgh!Vhh]dlc^cFigure 26.
Figure 26. >chiVaa^c\bZiVaXaVbeVgdjcY
16. >chiVaai]ZYgjbaViX]Zh!Vhh]dlc^cFigure
27! l^i] i]Z + &%"') m
¿- E]^aa^eh ]ZVY
hXgZlhVcY+&%"')]Zmcjih ^cXajYZY^c
]Zmcjih VgZdc i]Zdjih^YZ d[i]Z Ygjb hd
i]Vi i]Zn l^aacdi hcV\i]Z eaVhi^XXdaaZXi^dc
Note—For the Model G0441 Only: If you
are using the collection drum at full height,
use the extra (6) #10-24 Phillips head screws
and hex nuts provided to plug the lower latch
mounting holes.
Figure 27. >chiVaa^c\YgjbaViX]ZhdcXdaaZXidg
17. EaVXZ i]Z XdaaZXi^dc Ygjb kVXjjb g^c\
dc i]Z Wdiidb d[ i]Z XdaaZXi^dc Ygjb hZZ
Figure 28#
Note: During operation, this ring and the
vacuum connection to the cyclone funnel will
prevent the collection bag from collapsing.
Figure 28.>chZgi^c\XdaaZXi^dcYgjbkVXjjb