
G0500/G1018/G1018HW 8" Jointers -43-
Lines or ridges in on board
Uneven knife marks on
Wavy surface or chatter
marks on board
Board edge is concave or cr
convex after jointing
Uneven cut or breakout
when rabbeting
Tables are hard to adjust.
Excessive play in table
1. Nicked or chipped knives.
1. One or more knives out of alignment.
1. Board being fed too fast.
2. Knives set incorrectly.
1. Board not held with even pressure on
infeed and outfeed table.
2. Board was too uneven start.
3. Board has excessive bow or twist along
its length.
4. Insufficient number of passes.
1. Uneven feed rate.
2. Depth of cut too deep.
3. Dull knives.
4. Improper end grind.
1. Table lock is partially engaged.
2. Table gibs are too tight.
1. Table gibs are too loose.
1. Inspect and sharpen the cutterhead knives.
1. Reset the knives in the cutterhead, using the knife setting jig.
See page 36-37.
1. Slow down the feed rate and feed consistently. DO NOT stop or
hesitate during feeding.
2. Inspect and sharpen the cutterhead knives. Reset knives in cut-
terhead, using the knife setting jig. See page 36-37.
1. Hold board with even pressure as it moves through the cutter-
head. See page 31 for more details about the proper method for
edge jointing.
2. Take partial cuts to remove the extreme high spots before doing
a full pass.
3. Surface plane one face so there is a good surface to position
against the fence.
4. It may take 3 to 5 passes to achieve a perfect edge, depending
on the starting condition of the board and the depth of cut.
1. Feed the board evenly and smoothly during the cut.
2. Raise the infeed table to take a smaller depth of cut. Never
16" per pass when rabbeting.
3. Inspect and sharpen the cutterhead knives.
4. Grind a bevel on the end face of the knife to allow a relief, or take
your knives to a professional and have this service performed.
1. Completely loosen the table lock.
2. Re-adjust the table gibs. See page 37-38.
1. Re-adjust the table gibs. See page 37-38.
Disconnect power to the
machine when perform-
ing any maintenance or
repairs. Failure to do this
may result in serious
personal injury.