G0656 8" Jointer with Built-In Mobile Base
Squaring stock involves four steps performed
in the order below:
1. Surface Plane On The Jointer—The con
cave face of the workpiece is surface planed flat
with the jointer.
Jointed Edge
Planed Face
2. Surface Plane On a Thickness Planer—The
opposite face of the workpiece is surface planed
flat with a thickness planer.
3. Edge Joint On The Jointer—The concave
edge of the workpiece is jointed flat with the
4. Rip Cut On A Table Saw—The jointed edge
of the workpiece is placed against a table saw
fence and the opposite edge cut off.
Squaring Stock
The purpose of surface planing on the jointer is
to make one flat face on a piece of stock (see
Figures 26 & 27). This is a necessary step when
preparing a workpiece to be run through a planer
when squaring stock.
If you are not experienced with a jointer,
set the depth of cut to 0", and practice
feeding the workpiece across the tables as
described. This procedure will better pre
pare you for the actual operation.
Figure 27. Illustration of surface planing results.
Figure 26. Typical surface planing operation.
Surface Planing