Placement &
The Model G4791 is a
heavy machine. Serious
personal injury may occur
if safe moving methods
are not used. To be safe,
get assistance and use
power equipment rated
for at least 2000 lbs. to
move the shipping crate
and remove the machine
from the crate.
To move and assemble your mill/lathe:
1. JhZ Z^\]i -"(' m
¿' E]^aa^eh ]ZVY hXgZlh
VcY [aVi lVh]Zgh id ViiVX] i]Z XZciZg eVcZa
WgVX`Zih id i]Z h^YZhd[ i]Z XVW^cZi hiVcYh!
Vhh]dlc^cFigure 7#
Note: Leave the screws slightly loose for
adjusting the center panel in a later step.
Figure 7.8VW^cZihiVcYXZciZgeVcZaWgVX`Zi
2. Edh^i^dc i]Z XVW^cZi hiVcYh Veegdm^bViZan
'- VeVgi ^c i]Z egZeVgZY adXVi^dc [dg i]Z
Note: Do not mount the cabinet stands to the
floor for now so that they can be aligned with
the chip pan and machine in the following
3. EaVXZi]ZX]^eeVcdcided[i]ZXVW^cZihVcY
Va^\c i]Z bdjci^c\ ]daZh l^i] i]dhZ ^c i]Z
4. GZbdkZi]ZhiZVYngZhi[gdbi]ZbVX]^cZ#
5. BdkZ i]Z iV^ahidX` VcY XVgg^V\Z id i]Z g^\]i
6. LgVe i]Z a^[i^c\ higVeh jcYZgcZVi] i]Z aZ[i
WZYlVn!Vhh]dlc^cFigure 8#
Note: Place a piece of 2 x 4 between the
right lifting strap and the leadscrew to prevent
the leadscrew from bending, as shown in
Figure 8.
Figure 8.A^[i^c\higVehedh^i^dcZYl^i]V'm)