H8068 Telecaster
Style Kit
Mounting Tuners
Components and Hardware Needed: Qty
Neck ..................................................................
Tuners ................................................................
Stainless Steel Screws #2 x
/8" ........................ 2
Bushings ............................................................
To install the tuners:
1. Place the neck fretboard down on a flat sur-
face and insert the tuners into the pre-drilled
peghead holes.
2. Use a ruler to align the tuners so they are
parallel, and mark the mounting holes as
shown in
Figure 18.
Note: Taping the ruler to the peghead may
lessen movement while marking the tuner
mounting holes.
Figure 18. Tuners aligned.
Figure 19. Peghead supported with shim.
Note: Drilling the holes deeper than
⁄8" could
result in drilling out through the top of the
peghead. Set the correct depth with the depth
stop on your drill press.
7. Place the pegboard face up on a level sur-
face, and use a dead blow hammer or a
dowel in a drill press to drive the six bushings
into the tuner mounting holes (
Figure 20).
Figure 20. Installing bushings on peghead.
Note: If you have trouble inserting the bush-
ings, turn a drill bit by hand in the top of the
hole to widen it just enough to insert the
8. Turn the neck over, insert the tuners into the
bushings, and mount them with the #2 x
3. Remove the tuners.
4. If the neck is attached to the body, remove it
5. Fasten a
⁄16" thick wood shim with tape on
the top side of the peghead near the tip
(Figure 19). This will help stabilize the neck
during the next step.
6. Using a
⁄16" drill bit, drill
⁄8" deep holes into
the back of the peghead (
Figure 19).