T10043 38" Lawn Sweeper
1. Attach the hitch tubes to the sweeper assem-
bly as shown in Figure 5
. Do not tighten the
hardware at this time. Refer to the inventory
figures on
Page 2 for hardware identifica-
Note: Make sure the rear ends of the hitch
tubes angle slightly upward, as shown in
Figure 5, Detail A. If they angle downward,
this means the left tube is positioned on the
right side and vice-
versa. Reverse the place-
ment of the hitch tubes, then attach them.
3. Tighten all hardware from Steps 1 and 2.
4. Insert the hitch pin and the hitch spacers, and
secure them with a 3mm hairpin cotter pin, as
shown in Figure 8
Figure 6. Hitches under 11".
Flat Hitch Bracket
Raised Hitch Bracket
Hex Bolts
Hex Nuts (Obscured
From View)
Figure 7. Hitches over 11".
Flat Hitch Bracket
Raised Hitch Bracket
Hex Bolts
Hex Nuts (Obscured
From View)
Figure 8. Hitch Pin.
Hitch Pin
Hairpin Cotter Pin
2. Measure the height of the hitch on your riding
lawn mower.
—If the mower hitch height is less than 11",
then assemble the sweeper as shown in
Figure 6
—If the mower hitch height is more than 11",
then assemble the sweeper as shown in
Figure 7
Assemble the hitch using the flat hitch brack
et, the raised hitch bracket, the M8-1.25 x 55
hex bolts, and two of the M8-1.25 hex nuts.
Be sure the hex bolts fit between the hex
bolts from Step 1
(Figures 6 and 7).
Figure 5. Frame assembly.
Hitch Tubes
W,X (x 2)
Upward Angle
S,Z (x 2)
Detail A
Detail B