Abgleich / Alignment CUC 7350
3 - 4 GRUNDIG Service
7. Peaking
8. Picture
Call up the programme position with the picture of aTV
Call up the Service Menu with button "
Ǻ" (see above).
With ǵ select the line "TV PROCESSOR".
With Ƕǵ select alignment function 7.
Call up the Service Menu with button "Ǻ" (see above).
With ǵ select line "TV PROCESSOR".
Select the alignment functions 0 to 4 with Ƕǵ.
Attention! Start always with the "Vertical Slope" adjustment
otherwise the other vertical deflection parameters will defy
correct geometry adjustment.
Feed in the FuBK test pattern for Alignment function 1 and
the geometry test pattern for Alignment functions 0, 2, 3, 4.
For adjusting the"Vertical Slope" use a video generator,
eg. Grundig VG 1000.
Alignment functions:
0: Horizontal shift
1: Vertical Slope
2: Vertical Amplitude
3: S-Correction
4: Vertical Shift
Alignment Process
Change the peaking value with the buttons Ǹ Ƿas requested.
The value is stored automatically.
"Vertical Slope" alignment:
With the buttons ǸǷ change the setting so that the G-Y
vector (orange area in the centre of the picture) is just
covered (typ. 30…33).
Continue with the picture geometry alignment functions 0, 2, 4.
With the buttons ǸǷ change the setting so that the squares
in the upper and the lower third of the screen are equal in
The settings are stored automatically by changing the
alignment functions or by leaving the Service Menu.
To leave the Service Menu press button "Ǻ".