WWhheenn tthhee TTVV sseett iiss ooppeerraatteedd aatt aammbbiieenntt tteemmppeerraattuurreess ooff 55 ddeeggrreeee CCeellssiiuuss oorr lloowweerr,, tthheerree wwiillll bbee aa ffooccuuss ddiissoorrddeerr aanndd ccoolloorriizzaattiioonn pprroobblleemm
((ppiinnkkiinngg)) aatt tthhee ffiirrsstt sswwiittcchhiinngg oonn.. YYoouurr sseett pprroovviiddeess nnoorrmmaall ddiissppllaayy iinn 1100 ttoo 1155 mmiinnuutteess.. OOppeerraattiinngg tthhee sseett iinn ssuucchh aaddvveerrssee aammbbiieenntt
ccoonnddiittiioonnss wwiillll rreedduuccee iittss lliiffee.. SSoo,, ddoo nnoott ooppeerraattee iitt aatt llooww aammbbiieenntt tteemmppeerraattuurreess ((55 ddeeggrreeee CCeellssiiuuss oorr lloowweerr))..
No Power – Check that your TV is connected to the mains supply and the outlet is switched on. Ensure the TV
power button is in the ON position.
If the TV is in Standby mode (the red light will be ON at the front of the set), bring it out of standby
by using the P+ or P- buttons on the remote handset or on the front of the TV.
No Sound – Ensure that the TV is not in MUTE status. A is displayed on screen while the TV is in MUTE
Turn up the TV volume if it is set to or near minimum.
Weak Picture – Adjust the picture control settings.
Try to avoid facing the TV towards light sources such as windows as this will wash out the picture.
Poor Colour – Check the colour setting in the picture control settings.
Try fine tuning the station.
Corrupt Teletext – Teletext requires a good signal from the aerial. Please check the aerial connection on another TV. An outdoor
aerial is recommended. Try fine tuning the station.
Colour Distortion – Devices such as loudspeakers, sub woofers etc contain strong magnetic fields. If you experience colour
distortion along the edges or in the corners of the screen you should turn the TV OFF at the mains and leave to
stand for 20 minutes. When the power is re-applied, the degaussing circuit will try and restore the magnetic
balance with the tube. If this distortion does not clear up after degaussing, the magnetic source must be moved
away from the TV so that it causes no colour distortion.
Please check these simple things before requesting service. A couple of minutes spent here may cure your problem.
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