6 GTO 4000XLS Instruction Manual © 01.10.12
7. Installation Overview
Pull-To-Open Gates (Gate Opens into the Property)
The diagram shown below is an example of a Pull-To-Open installation on a chain link fence and single
gate. Mounting the operator on a masonry column requires special procedures; see Column Installation
Information on page 23. Furthermore, if you have a Push-To-Open gate, see Push-To-Open Installation on
page 21 before proceeding.
Install the Operator
Install the Post Bracket Assembly
must be at least 6” square in order to bolt the post bracket.
When using bolts to mount the post bracket, the bolts must
completely penetrate the post.
• Thebestmethodofattachingthepostbrackettoametal
post is welding.
• Ifyourpostexceeds8”,itwillbenecessarytousehex
head bolts longer than those supplied.
• Roundwoodposts(nosmallerthan8”diameter)maybe
• Woodpostswillrequireametalplate(notprovided)
between the nuts and post to prevent the operator from
pulling the bolts and washers through the wood.
• Apostsmallerthan6”indiametershouldbemadeof
metal instead of wood so that it will remain stable while
the operator is moving the gate.
• Masonrycolumnswillrequiremasonryanchors/
hardware (not provided).
Horizontal Cross Member
Gate Swings Evenly and Freely
Hung Firmly and Plumb
Post Bracket Assembly
Control Box with Battery
Gate Bracket
Single Gate Opener
Fence Post Set in Concrete
Run 1000' (max.) of low
voltage wire to control
box from transformer
(wire not included).
Power Cable
Closed Position Stop Plate
120 Volt indoor
(surge protector
not supplied)
PVC conduit (not included)
to protect wire from lawn
mowers and weed eaters.
Warning Sign