Page 16
Front Panel
Section 1
1.2.1 Keypad Description
The keypad includes the numeric keypad, soft keys, and function keys.
Numeric Keypad
The numeric keypad consists digits 0 through 9, a +/- key, and a decimal key.
“Soft” Keys
Soft keys are blank, white keys located to the left and right of the display. If no
function is shown for a specific key, that key is not currently active. The soft
key labels appear on the display and indicates (with a straight line) the proper
soft key to push for that action.
In some cases during a programming step an item from a list needs to be
selected. The soft keys on the right side of the display will change to display
UP and DOWN arrows. Scroll through the list of choices.
Power ON/OFF Key
To turn the instrument on, press the
ON key. When the instrument is turned
on, a green light located next to the
ON key flashes to indicate that the
sampler power is turned on. To turn the instrument off, press the
OFF key.
Function Keys
Three white function keys (Table 1) are located just above the numeric keypad
re used often while operating the sampler. These functions are dedicated
keys to allow quick access.
1.2.2 Liquid Crystal Display
The liquid crystal display (LCD) works in conjunction with the four soft keys.
When a soft key changes function, the display shows the new function.
Menu Bar
The Menu Bar appears in a black band on the top edge of the display.
The upper left corner of the menu bar shows the time and date. The upper
right corner shows the name of the current menu (Figure 1).
Table 1Function Key Descriptions
Function Key Description
Main Menu
This is the starting point to get to any other point in the program. Press the Main Menu key at any time
during programming to return to the Main Menu Screen. The current action is cancelled if changes are not
yet accepted.
Manual Mode
Manually controls the operation of the sample pump and the distributor arm.
ADVANCED DISTRIBUTOR soft key: Moves the distributor arm to the user selected bottle. Used to verify the
operation of the distributor or when repositioning the arm if it was moved by hand.
GRAB SAMPLE soft key: Takes a sample in the same manner as when a program is running. Includes all
pre-rinses and sample retries, if programmed.
PUMP OPERATION soft key: Allows manual control of the pump in both forward and reverse directions. Once
started, the pump is stopped by pressing any key.
Runs (or resumes) a program and stops a currently running program.