TROUBLE SHOOTING_____________________________________________
No hot or cold water 1. Over consumption of hot or 1. Wait 30 minutes
cold water in short period before using again
of time
2. No power supply 2. Connect plug to socket,
turn on heating or
cooling switch.
Water is not cool 1.Dispenser is unplugged 1.Push plug completely into
2.Cooling switch not on 2.Check to be sure cooling
switch is turned to ON
3.The fuse is blown/circuit 3-a.Replace house fuse or reset
breaker is tripped circuit breaker.
3-b.If too many items are
plugged into a single
circuit, move some items
to a different circuit
4.Temperature limiter tripped 4.Set the hot and cold power
switches to OFF position.
Wait five minutes, then set
switches to ON position.
Wait 30 minutes for water
to heat or cool.
Water is not hot 1.Dispenser is unplugged 1.Push plug completely into
2.Heating switch not on 2.Check to be sure heating
switch is turned to ON
3.The fuse is blown/circuit 3a. Replace house fuse or reset
breaker is tripped circuit breaker.
3b. If too many items are
plugged into a single
circuit, move some items
to a different circuit
4.Temperature limiter tripped 4.Set the hot and cold power
switches to OFF position.
Wait five minutes, then set
switches to ON position.
Wait 30 minutes for water
to heat or cool.