• Tap the probe repeatedly on the bottom of the beaker and stir it
to ensure that no air bubbles remain trapped inside the sleeve.
• If the probe temperature is close to the solution temperature, the
display will stabilize quickly and show the temperature compen-
sated conductivity measurement.
However, the ATC circuitry needs a few minutes for temperature
compensation if the temperature difference is about 5°C (9°F).
• When the reading is stable, adjust the calibration trimmer to
read the solution conductivity value @25°C.
For example if using HI 7032, turn the trimmer until the display
shows 1382 mg/L @25°C.
The calibration is now complete and the instrument is ready for use.
All subsequent measurements will be compensated to 25°C (77°F).
Note: Calibration can also be standardized to have readings com-
pensated to 20°C (68°F), by simply adjusting the trimmer to
the calibration solution value at 20°C (68°F). For example, for
HI 7032 adjust the trimmer to read 1251 mg/L (see "TDS vs.
Temperature" section).
If the instrument cannot be calibrated, refer to the "Probe Mainte-
nance" section.
• When the reading is stable, adjust the calibration trimmer to
read the solution conductivity value @25°C.
For example if using HI 7030, turn the trimmer to read
12.88 mS/cm @ 25°C.
The calibration is now complete and the instrument is ready for use.
All subsequent measurements will be compensated to 25°C (77°F).
Note: Calibration can also be standardized to have readings com-
pensated to 20°C (68°F), by simply adjusting the trimmer to
the calibration solution value at 20°C (68°F). For example, for
HI 7030 adjust the trimmer to read 11.67 mS/cm (see
"Conductivity vs. Temperature" section).
If the instrument cannot be calibrated, refer to the "Probe Mainte-
nance" section.
• Fill a beaker with 8 cm (3¼") of TDS
calibration solution (if possible fill two
beakers, one for rinsing the probe and
one for calibration).
• Connect the probe to the meter securely
by aligning the pins with the socket,
pushing the plug in and tightening the
threaded ring.
• Immerse the probe into the beaker, while
paying attention that the holes on the
PVC sleeve are completely submerged.
• Turn the instrument on by pressing the ON/OFF key and select
the appropriate range (e.g. 1999 mg/L).