Dear Customer,
Welcome to the team of POWERPLAY PRO users and many thanks for the confidence that you have shown
in us by purchasing the HA4600. It is one of my most pleasant tasks to write this letter to you, because after
many months of hard work our engineers have achieved a very ambitious goal: the presentation of an
outstanding piece of equipment, which thanks to its flexibility can be used both in studios and by in live sound
applications. The task of developing our new POWERPLAY PRO has meant a great deal of responsibility. As
we continued to develop it further, youthe discerning end-user and musicianwere always at the forefront of
our thoughts. Meeting this responsibility also involved us in considerable effort and late-night working, but it
was fun, too. This type of development always brings together a large number of people, and it is a great feeling
when all those involved can be proud of the results of their work.
Our philosophy is that you should also share in this satisfaction. You are the most important member of our
team. With your highly competent encouragement and suggestions for new products, you have greatly
contributed to shaping our company and to making it successful. In return we guarantee you an uncompromising
level of quality (manufactured under ISO9000 certified management system), excellent technical and audio
characteristics and an extremely favorable price. All this makes it possible for you to develop your fullest
potential, without being hampered by budget constraints.
We are often asked how we manage to manufacture equipment of this quality at such unbelievably low prices.
The answer is very simple: You make it possible! Many satisfied customers means large sales volumes. Large
sales volumes means we can get better purchase prices for components etc. Isnt it only fair for us to pass this
benefit back to you? After all, we know that your success is our success, too!
I would like to thank everyone who has helped make the POWERPLAY PRO possible. All have made their own
personal contribution, beginning with the developers, through the many employees of our company and up to
you, the user of BEHRINGER products.
My friends, its been worth the trouble!
Thank you very much,
Uli Behringer