
P68 Pellet Stove
Your new Harman Stove viewing door gasket
has been factory set, however over a period of time
some minor adjustment may be necessary. The
easiest way to check the adjustment of the door gasket
is to take a small piece of paper or a dollar bill (when
the stove is not burning) and open the door, place the
paper between the face of stove body and the gasket
at the top center of the door, close the door. You should
have a slight amount of resistance when you try to pull
the paper out. Repeat this process on the bottom center
of the door. If the paper is loose then some adjustment
is necessary.
To adjust the door, the stove must be turned
off and cold. Open the door, loosen the 2 bolts shown
(see Fig. 37) and bump the latch adjuster (Fig. 38)
toward the back of stove, snug bolts and test for proper
seal as described above. Once the proper seal is
attained, open the door and finish tightening the bolts.
If proper adjustment cannot be accomplished, then a
new gasket should be installed.
Over a period of time the gasket will wear out
and a new gasket will have to be installed. To install a
new gasket you must remove the old gasket. After the
gasket is removed the gasket channel should be free
of all loose particles. The gasket cement used to hold
the gasket in place is RTV (HIGH TEMPERATURE)
silicone. Put a bead of RTV silicone in the bottom of
the gasket channel, then install the new gasket and
close the door. Allow to dry for several hours before
lighting the stove. After the RTV silicone has cured,
the door will have to be adjusted for proper sealing. If
you have just replaced the door gasket, the latch
adjuster must be pulled towards the front of the stove.
Follow the procedure mentioned above.
P68 Maintenance - Gasket Adjustment
Fig. 37
Fig. 38
Latch Adjuster
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