1 Turn Mode Selector to OFF.
2 Use heat exchanger cleanout rods to clean the heat exchanger tubes.**
3 Scrape the air holes in the burnpot.**
4 Fill the hopper with pellets.
5 Turn Feed Adjuster to “Test”.*
6 Check the Combustion Blower and Feeder Motor for operation.*
7 Turn Feed Adjuster back to the #4 setting.
8 Turn the MAX TEMP dial to the desired temperature.
9 Turn MIN TEMP dial to the desired settings.*
10 Flip the igniter switch to Auto.*
The boiler will ignite if the temperature of the boiler water is less than the
temperature set on MAX TEMP dial..
*See the section on Operation for information
about Manual Lighting and Emergency Power.
**See the section on Maintenance for more details
about cleaning.
Quick Reference ( Auto-Light )