
Outside Air
Outside air is optional (not required) except in
mobile homes and where building codes require it
to be installed. The benefit of outside air is mainly
noticed in small, very tight houses.
The outside air kit consists of a flue stub pipe,
fiberglass gasket, silicone gasket, intake box and a
section of flex pipe. See Fig. 47.
An adjustable chimney intake extension, part #
1-00-674104 is available to be used on masonry
chimneys only. See Fig. 48.
Additional information and diagrams can be
found on pages 22 thru 26 under venting.
To install outside air, use kit part number 1-10-
674080. Follow the installation instructions provided
with the kit.
When installing in a house with a Heat Reclaim-
ing Ventilation System (HRV) be sure the system is
balanced and is not creating a negative pressure in
the house.
If the Accentra Insert is installed with the 100%
outside air kit, the HRV should not have to be ad-
Vent Pipe
Be sure to use approved pellet vent pipe
wall and ceiling pass- through fittings to go
through combustible walls and ceilings. Be sure
to use a starting collar to attach the venting sys-
tem to the stove. The starting collar must be
sealed to the vent pipe with high temp silicone
4" stainless steel flex vent piping is only
allowed for use in masonary fireplaces and chim-
neys or factory built woodburning fireplaces with
class A metal chimneys.
Pellet venting pipe ( also known as PL vent
) is constructed of two layers with air space be-
tween the layers. This air space acts as an insu-
lator and reduces the outside surface tempera-
ture to allow a clearance to combustibles of only
3 inches. The sections of pipe lock together to
form an air tight seal in most cases; however, in
some cases a perfect seal is not achieved. For
this reason and the fact that the Accentra Insert
operates with a positive vent pressure, we
specify that the joints also be sealed with clear
Fig. 47
Fig. 48
Adjustable Chimney
Intake Extension
Part # 1-00-674104
100% Outside Air Kit
100% Outside Air
Kit # 1-00-674080
Designed for 3" flex pipe
1/8" Fiberglass Gasket
2 3/8" ID Flex Pipe
1/2" Silicone Gasket
Intake Box
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