Power Light
Indicates power to the
control, and is also used
during “Test” to check the
Low Fuel Sensor operation.
Status Light
Will be lit in either
automatic or service mode
when pointer is not within
off position band except
after normal shut down.It
also blinks to indicate
errors listed below.
Combustion Blower Light
Indicates Power to
combustion blower
Feed Motor Light Indicates
Power to the feed motor.
Temp dial
The “Temp Dial” should be in the “Normal Setting” position except when
service work is being done. It also allows you to adjust the fire temperature
when the “Mode Selector” is in “ Service Mode” using the scale marked
from 1 to 7.
Mode Selector
Allows you to choose between Automatic Mode, Service Mode
or OFF.
Automatic Mode
Automatic mode switches operational control of the furnace
to the wall mounted control. This is the mode to use whenever
the furnace is burning in a normal heating application.
Service Mode
Service mode switches control of the furnace to the temp
dial. The temp dial can be set from 1 to 7 to allow a steady
furnace temperature at the desired level. The main purpose
of this mode is to operate the furnace without having to go
back to the wall mounted control.
OFF Mode
Turning the mode selector to OFF will shut down the furnace.
Feed adjuster
Sets the maximum feed rate
Runs all motors ** at full speed
for one minute to check
operation. After one minute the
furnace will go to minimum
burn and the combustion
blower will alternate from high
to low every minute to remind
you that you are still in "Test
Low Fuel Light
Indicates that fuel in the
hopper is low and needs to be
IgnitEr Light
Indicates power to the
Lighting Mode Selector
Switched between Auto and
Manual lighting
Mode Selector
See explanation below.
Status light error messages:
1 Blink: Indicates control board self diagnostic failure. This
requires a manual reset*.
3 Blinks: Indicates ESP (Exhaust Sensing Probe) failure. This
requires a manual reset*.
4 Blinks: Can occur only in the Automatic Mode and
indicates the Wall Control has failed or is not installed. If a
Wall control is then installed the status light will automatically
reset.(Note) only after the unit has warmed up.
5 Blinks: (In Auto Light Mode Only)
Indicates that the igniter has failed to light the fire after 4
consecutive 8 minute attempts. To reset - Turn the Mode
Selector to OFF and then back to Automatic.
6 Blinks : Indicates that the control has calculated poor or
incomplete combustion occurring for more than 50 minutes.
A six blink status may be set if the stove is allowed to run out
of pellets. To reset, turn mode selector to "OFF" then back
on to the desired mode. If the unit was not out of pellets, see
Troubleshooting section, Page 35, for more details.
* Manual reset, disconnect power at the circut breaker for
a few seconds and reconnect. If error still occurs call your
** The Distribution Blower is not controlled by the “Test”
operation. The Distribution Blower has it’s own Manual Test
Switch on the Fan / High Limit Control cover.
Fig. 42
Dealer Diagnostic Port
For dealer maintenance only.
Requires special DDM monitor
supplied to Harman Dealers