Carbon monoxide, referred to as CO, is a color-
less, odorless gas that is produced during combustion
of coal and other fuels.
The TLC 2000 is a natural draft system which
relies on a properly designed chimney to remove CO
and other combustion by-products from the stove.
Even though this stove is designed to be as safe
as possible, it is important that you
This is true for oil, gas, or wood as well.
CO is not specically heavier or lighter than
air. Therefore, it is best to install the detector at table
top level rather than on the ceiling like a smoke de-
CO detectors are very sensitive and may
sound an alarm for fumes other than CO or CO
from sources other than the stove such as car or
lawn mower exhaust.
If the alarm sounds
1. Increase ventilation by opening windows or
2. Make sure the stove doors are closed and
3. Check stove for normal operation.
4. Check for false alarm.
5. Have all occupants exit the building until
the cause for the alarm is discovered and/or