
TLC 2000 Coal Stove
Gaskets are used on the doors and top lid of the TLC
2000. You must check these gaskets from time to time, and
replace them when necessary. The gaskets are made of fi-
berglass of different sizes (obtainable from Harman Stove
Dealer) and are fixed in place with a high temperature stove
gasket cement. To change a gasket, first remove the worn
fiberglass and clean the area with a wire brush. Also clean
any other surfaces that come into contact with the gasket.
Place a small bead of cement in the area under the gasket,
then press new gasket material into the channel; do not over-
lap the ends. Seat the gasket firmly by applying pressure
when possible; for example, after changing the door gasket,
close the door. Allow the cement to dry before using your
Gaskets are located:
On the doors to provide airtight closure.
On the lid.
The handle on the front door of your TLC 2000 is
attached to threaded shafts. After a period of time, you may
find that the front door does not close as firmly as when your
stove was new. This is due to a natural compression of the
gaskets. To tighten the seal, open the door and rotate the
handle one full turn counterclockwise or bend the latch plate
on the stove.
The optional blower on your TLC 2000 stove re-
quires very little maintenance. You should, however, keep
the air inlet and the motor free of dust and dirt.