Programming the Remote
since the first letter we need to rename the
Tone button to Zoom is a “Z,” so you would
locate the “Z” above the “9” button, and
press the button four times. The first press
shows a “W,” the subsequent presses step
through the other letters available until the
“Z” appears. Consult the table on this page to
see which characters are available by pressing
a particular button.
8.After you enter the first letter of the new
device name, there are three options for
entering the next character:
a.To enter a letter that requires a different
numeric key to be pressed, simply press that
button.The cursor will automatically move
to the next position and the first letter
accessed by the new button will appear.
Following our example, the next letter need-
ed is an “O,” so you would press the “6”
button once.
b. To enter a letter that uses the same numeric
key, you must first press the
to move the blinking cursor
block to the next position.Then press the
Numeric Key
as required to enter the
desired letter.This is the way you would
enter the second “O” in the word ZOOM,
and again for the letter “M.”
c.To enter a blank space, press the
Navigation Buttons
twice. The first
press will move the cursor to the right, and
the second press will move the cursor one
more space to the right, leaving a blank
space between the last letter and the next
9. Repeat Steps 7 and 8 as needed to complete
entering the needed letters, numbers, charac-
ters and spaces.
10.When the text entry is complete, press the
Set Button
.The new name will be
entered into the remote’s memory, replacing
the default name.
11.At this point you have two options:
a. If you wish to program an additional key
within the same device, press the Set
as instructed by the bottom
line of the LCD display reading ANOTHER
KEY.The remote will return to the SELECT
A KEY menu option as shown in Step 6.
Repeat the instructions in Steps 6 though
11 to rename the next key.
b. If you have no additional keys to rename,
press the
Navigation Buttons
once so that the menu screen displays EXIT
on the bottom line of the display. Press the
Set Button
to return the remote to
normal operation.
Notes on Renaming Keys:
• Renaming a key does not change its function.
You may change the function of an individual
key by learning a new code into the remote.
See page 34 for more information.
• When a key is renamed it will only apply to the
specific device selected in Step 4.The same key
may be renamed as needed for each individual
device with which it is used.
Resetting the Remote
Depending on the way in which the remote has
been programmed, there may be a situation
where you wish to totally erase all changes that
have been made to the remote and return it to
the factory defaults. You may do that by follow-
ing the steps shown below, but remember that
once the remote is reset,ALL changes that have
been made, including programming for use with
other devices, learned keys, macros, punch-
through settings and key names, will be erased
and any settings you had previously made will
have to be reentered.
To erase all settings and reset the remote to the
original factory default settings and displays, fol-
low these steps:
1. Press and hold the Program Button
about three seconds while the message shown
in Figure 15 appears in the remote’s LCD
Information Display
. Release the but-
ton when the red light under the Set Button
2.The remote’s MAIN MENU message (Figure
16), will appear in the LCD display and the
Set Button
will remain illuminated in
red. Press the
Navigation Buttons
until USER RESET appears on the bot-
tom line of the LCD screen, as shown in Figure
Figure 74
3. Press the Set Button
to reset the
remote. Note that once the Set Button is
pressed the process may not be stopped.While
the remote’s memory is being cleared a
RESETTING... message will appear in the
upper line of the remote’s LCD screen as
shown in Figure 75.
It may take a few minutes for the reset process
to take place, and the length of time will vary
depending on how much customization and
programming has taken place. Please be
patient; as long as the message appears in the
display the remote is functioning properly.
Figure 75
4.When the remote has been totally reset and
returned to the factory default condition, a
appear (Figure 76) briefly, and then the remote
will return to normal operation.
Figure 76
Backlight Options
The AVR 435’s remote has a built-in backlight
system that makes it easier to use the remote
when the room lighting is dimmed for an optimal
home theater experience. To turn the backlight-
ing on, simply press the Light Button
button is made from a special “glow” material
that makes it easier to find in dark rooms.This
glow feature does not use any battery power, so
the glow will fade when the remote is kept in a
dark room for an extended period of time. You
may “recharge” it by placing the remote in nor-
mal room lighting for a few hours.
Once the Light Button
is pressed, the
remote’s backlighting will remain on for approxi-
mately 7 seconds, and when you press any but-
ton on the remote while the backlighting is on,
the light will stay on for another 7 seconds.
However, the remote’s “Couch” function will
conserve battery power by turning both the back-
lighting and the LCD display off when any button
is pressed for more than 30 seconds.
You may also configure the remote so that the
backlighting will come on, any time a button is
To set this option, follow these steps:
1. Press and hold the Program Button
about 3 seconds while the message shown in
Figure 24 appears in the remote’s LCD display.
Release the button when the red light under
the Set Button
2.When the remote’s Main Menu message (Fig.
25) appears in the LCD display and the Set
remains illuminated in red, press
Navigation Buttons
BACKLIGHTappears in the bottom line
of the LCD screen, as shown in Figure 77.
Figure 77
3. Press the Set Button
and then press
Navigation Buttons
again so
ONFULLappears in the bottom line of
the LCD display, as shown in Figure 78.
Figure 78