5.0 Inspection
5.1 General
5.1.1 The inspection procedure herein is based on ANSI/ASME B30.16. The following definitions are from
ANSI/ASME B30.16 and pertain to the inspection procedure below.
Designated Person
– a person selected or assigned as being competent to perform the specific
duties to which he/she is assigned.
Qualified Person
– a person who, by possession of a recognized degree or certificate of
professional standing, or who, by extensive knowledge, training, and experience, has successfully
demonstrated the ability to solve or resolve problems relating to the subject matter and work.
Normal Service
– that distributed service which involves operation with randomly distributed loads
within the rated load limit, or uniform loads less than 65% of rated load for not more than 15% of
the time.
Heavy Service
– that service which involves operation within the rated load limit which exceeds
normal service.
Severe Service
5.2 Inspection Classification
– that service which involves normal or heavy service with abnormal operating
5.2.1 Initial Inspection – prior to initial use, all new, altered, or modified hoists shall be inspected by a
designated person to ensure compliance with the applicable provisions of this manual.
5.2.2 Inspection Classification – the inspection procedure for hoists in regular service is divided into two
general classifications based upon the intervals at which inspection should be performed. The intervals
in turn are dependent upon the nature of the critical components of the hoist and the degree of their
exposure to wear, deterioration, or malfunction. The two general classifications are herein designated
as FREQUENT and PERIODIC, with respective intervals between inspections as defined below.
5.2.3 FREQUENT Inspection – visual examinations by the operator or other designated personnel with
intervals per the following criteria:
Normal service – monthly
Heavy service – weekly to monthly
Severe service – daily to weekly
Special or infrequent service – as recommended by a qualified person before and after each
5.2.4 PERIODIC Inspection – visual inspection by a designated person with intervals per the following
Normal service – yearly
Heavy service – semiannually
Severe service – quarterly
Special or infrequent service – as recommended by a qualified person before the first such
occurrence and as directed by the qualified person for any subsequent occurrences.