HarringtonHoists, Inc.disclaims any and all other warranties of any kindexpressed or implied
astothe product's merchantability or fitness for a particular application. Harringtonwill not be
liablefor death, injuriesto persons or property orfor incidental, contingent, special or conse-
quentialdamages, lossor expense arising inconnection with the use or inabilitywhatever,
regardlessof whether damage, loss or expense results from any act or failure to act by
Harrington,whether negligentorwillful, orfromany other reason.
8.0 Parts List
Partslistforthe ES/NES hoistfollows in sections 8.1 through 8.7.
The lettersSand L in the hoist capacity designation (e.g. 1-S, 2-L) indicate Standard orhow
liftingspeed. Standard speed hoists will be single fall hoists and how speed hoists will be
doublefall hoists, except for the 3ton and 5ton, which are Standard speed hoists that are
Inthe case of dual speed hoists, the letter Dwill follow the S (or L). For example ES01OS(or
NES010S) is a standard lifting speed, single speed hoist and ES010SD (or NES010SD) is a
standardlifting speed hoist,with a dual speed motor (high speed will be the standard lifting
speed,and low speed wil be a much slower lifting speed). A variation to the meaning of S is
usedinthe Parts Listings. In the column "Parts per Hoist" S means Single speed, and D means
Ordering Parts
To aid inordering Parts and Product Support, record the Hoist model and serial numbers
inthe space provided on the cover of this manual.
When ordering Parts, please provide the Hoist code number and model number located on
the Hoistnameplate (see Fig. below).
~O05S 1/2
Model No.
Serial No.
ES3 and NES Series Nameplate