batteries, turn
switch to
“OFF” when
doll is not to
be played with
for extended
periods of time.
NOTE: Be sure to use only plain water or water mixed with doll juice mix with your baby doll. Do not use Baby Alive® Doll
Food (sold separately); it is not intended for use with this doll.
If you want your doll to fall asleep, continuously feed her with the bottle. She
will yawn and close her eyes after a short time.
Before you feed your doll, make sure she’s wearing a diaper that’s securely fastened.
1. Fill water bottle with cold, clean water and a packet of doll juice mix. (This will make
her “poop.” To make her “pee,” fill bottle with cold, clean water only.)
2. Tighten the bottle top securely.
3. Insert the bottle tip into the doll’s mouth, and give the bottle small, gentle squeezes.
The doll will raise her arms and make sucking sounds while “drinking.”
4. After you take the bottle from the doll’s mouth, she will either say that she is “all done”
or ask for more.
To change diaper:
1. Remove diaper and wipe doll clean with a soft, damp cloth or paper towel.
2. Put on a new diaper and fasten securely.
• ALWAYS change your doll’s diaper and clean her after she eats or drinks.
• NEVER let your doll sit with a wet diaper.
• Discarddirtydiapers;theycannotbewashedorreused.
To clean doll after feeding her doll juice mix, give her a bottle full of water
until any remaining juice mix has been rinsed away and the water runs clear
(it’s best to do this over a sink). Use a soft cloth or paper towel to wipe away
any juice mix on doll’s mouth. Allow doll to dry.
• OnlygiveyourdollONEBOTTLEdolljuicemixorwaterbetweendiaperchanges.
Feeding the doll half a bottle is OK.
• Donotuserealjuiceorotherbeveragesbesidescold,cleanwater.
It is important to flush doll clean immediately after each use. If any doll juice mix
remains in the doll, it can become difficult to clean.
• Tocleandollafterfeedingherdolljuicemix,giveherabottlefullofwateruntilany
remaining juice mix has been rinsed away and the water runs clear (it’s best to do this over
a sink). Use a soft cloth or paper towel to wipe away any juice mix on doll’s mouth. Allow
doll to dry.
• STAINADVISEMENT:BABYALIVE®dolljuicemixmaystainsomesurfaces.Adult
supervision recommended. If spilled, wash with soap and water.
• Cleandoll’sfaceandbodybywipinggentlywithasoft,dampcloth.Do not rub.
• Do not submerge doll in water; it is not intended for bath-time play.
• Donotplaceanyforeignobjectsindoll’smouthoranyotheropening.
• Doll’sclothesaremachine-washable(milddetergent,coldwater,gentlecycle,nobleach);
they can also be spot-cleaned with a cool damp cloth; hang to dry.
• Hand-washbottlewithmilddishsoapandwater;itisnot dishwasher-safe.
After feeding your doll, you’ll need to change her diaper!
Hug Mode
When your baby
doll says, “I like
hugs,” she’s ready
for you to give her
a hug.
Tickle Mode
When your baby doll
giggles, she is ready to
be tickled. The more
you tickle her, the
more she giggles!
Kiss Mode
Are you ready with lots of
kisses for your baby doll?
Kiss her on either cheek.
The more you kiss her, the
happier she is!
Feeding Mode
When your baby doll says,
“I’m hungry,” she is ready
for her bottle. Just place
the bottle in her mouth
and she will drink. She will
let you know if she is full,
or if she wants more.
FirstmakesureherON/Off/TryMeswitchissetto“ON”. Your baby doll is
now ready to play with you.
Play Mode
bracelet and she’ll suggest many more fun ways to play.
You can respond to one of her suggestions by pressing the
activating sensors as follows:
A sensor
is a part of
the toy that
responds to
your touch.
Quiet Mode
Want to play without sounds? Press her
bracelet for about 3 seconds and she’ll go
into her quiet mode. Press bracelet again to
bring her out of quiet mode.
Sleep Mode
If you don’t play with your baby doll for
about a minute, she’ll fall asleep. Just
press her bracelet to wake her up and
she’ll play with you again.