• Flexible Workow. The Phocus GUI features easy-to-use options
that allow you to customize your set-up to suit a range of dif-
ferent workow situations, such as choice of import source,
browsing/comparison functions, le management, image export
in a number of le formats, pre-setting of options for upcoming
shoots, and much, much more.
• The extended metadata (GPS, etc), included in all Phocus
images provides for accurate and detailed cataloguing and
indexing, easy image management, and includes added GPS
data functionality in order to allow a range of functions. Phocus
links GPS data directly to Google Earth, for example, making
geographic reference a snap and image storage and retrieval
much easier.
• Perfect Viewing Quality. The Phocus Viewer delivers image view-
ing quality that matches every detail of what you will see later
in Photoshop. In addition, the Phocus Viewer allows you to cus-
tomize layout and composition to suit your current or desired
workow, providing a wide range of options including full view,
compare, browse, horizontal, or vertical view, and so on. You
can have multiple folders open simultaneously for side-by-side
viewing, comparison, and selection. The improved Live Video
function will now provide high frame rate in colour.
• L* colour space. The Reproduction tool will now let you select
a new Hasselblad L* working space as an alternative to Has-
selblad RGB.
• Built-in calibration of Eizo monitors. Use the built-in calibration
tool for self calibrating Eizo monitors-
• Built-in Capture Sequencer. Control your camera from Phocus
in new ways. Perform customisable bracketing sequences, self-
timer, interval timer etc. directly from Phocus.
• Phocus Mobile app to control the camera and view images on
your iPhone/iPad. Works tethered or over Wi-Fi.
Improved handling
Many new features have been added to the H5D to make using the
camera even easier than before. This includes the option to use the
grip controls to control settings and operation of the sensor unit;
you can control zoom, browsing and menu selection without taking
your hand off the grip. The Prole handling feature allows you to
store complete camera settings in memory for easy access. Seven
different camera set-ups can be stored and settings from both the
body and sensor unit are stored in the prole and these proles can
easily be managed through Phocus software..
Live Video and Live View
The new CMOS sensor allows for much faster operations than CCD
sensors. This makes it possible to provide a much improved Live
Video in Phocus but also Live View on the rear display. Both modes
are perfect for composing and focus checking.
Phocus for professional level workow
Phocus provides an advanced software toolbox that has been espe-
cially designed to easily achieve optimum workow and absolute
image perfection from Hasselblad raw image les.
With the H5D-50c camera system Phocus provides:
• Uncompromising Image Quality
• Extended camera control with which to operate your H5D
camera. Features, such as live video for easier shot set-up and
workow, or the ability to control the lens drive for focusing or
camera settings when the camera is in a remote position or
when the digital capture unit is mounted on a view camera,
bring an entirely new level of exibility to the way you shoot.
• Moiré Removal Technology automatically applied directly on the
raw data, leaving image quality intact and eliminating the need
to carry out special masking selections or other manual proce-
dures, saving hours of tedious post-production work.
Electronic spirit level
The H5D-50c has an integrated electronic spirit level to make it
easy to produce a straight horizon. The spirit level is shown both in
the viewnder and on the rear LCD. You therefore don’t need to take
your eye from the viewnder to check camera alignment.
Camera info on rear LCD
To improve visibility in certain situations, the rear LCD can now show
a copy of the camera grip LCD where you see all relevant shooting