New CMOS sensor
The H5D-50c features a brand new CMOS sensor measuring 43.8 ×
32.9mm - almost twice the physical size of the largest 35mm DSLR
sensors. Basic ISO rating is from ISO 100 to ISO 6400. The high
sensitivity of the new sensor enables completely new application
areas for all professional medium format photographers. It is now
totally possible to capture super high quality images even at high
ISO settings making low light photography easy. This high sensitivity
and fast capture speed together with the high dynamic range of 14
stops makes this camera a true all-round camera that can be used
for almost any type of photography.
The H5D-50c is built around a high speed architecture that can cap-
ture full resolution images at the rate of 1.5 captures per second,
working either mobile or tethered to a computer.
The combination of these features makes the H5D-50c the natural
choice for the professional photographer wanting to work with the
ultimate in image quality whether working in the studio with con-
trolled lighting or on location.
Medium Format digital capture advantage
In digital photography, the advantages of large format cameras have
become even more obvious. The basic 6×4.5 cm design allows the
H5D-50c to use
one of
the largest image sensors currently avail-
able in digital photography. Consequently the sensor holds more
and larger pixels, which deliver the highest possible image quality in
terms of moiré-free color rendering without gradation break-ups in
even the nest lit surfaces.
An impressive lens line outperforming even the Carl
Zeiss icons
The highly renowned H system lens line includes 12 Auto-Focus
lenses, all with central lens shutters. Range is from 24mm to
300mm, 50-110mm zoom, 35-90mm zoom, a 1.7X Converter and
a dedicated wide angle Macro Converter. The built-in central shutter
allows ash to be used at all shutter speeds up to 1/800s. making
ash photography in daylight easy. It also improves image quality by
gernerating extremely low camera vibration.
The HTS 1.5 tilt/shift adapter delivers an easy to use, portable tilt/
shift solution for 6 H System lenses ranging from 24mm to 100mm.
The CF lens adapter allows use of the classic CF-lenses from the
Hasselblad V-camera, with full use of their central shutters, allowing
ash to be employed at shutter speeds
to 1/500s. And thanks
to the large format of the H System cameras, there is a consider-
ably shallower depth of eld range, making it much easier to utilise
selective focus to creative effect.
A choice of bright viewnders
One of the important traditional advantages of the medium format is
the extra-large and bright viewnder image, enabling extremely pre-
cise compositions and easy operation in dim lighting. The H5D-50c
comes with the HVD 90x viewnder designed for full performance
over the large sensor. Hasselblad has added an interchangeable
waist-level viewnder, the HVM, for the entire range of H system
The bright and large viewnder image is ideal for creative composing
and the photographer is able to shoot in the fashion that suits them
most; maintaining eye contact with the model, or gaining impact by
shooting from a point lower than eye-level, for example.
Built-in Wi-Fi
This allows for complete camera control from iPhone or iPad even
when the camera is not connected to a computer. Using the iOS app
Phocus Mobile, you can see previews, browse images and remote
control the camera from your iPhone or iPad.
Digital Lens Correction and Ultra-Focus for image
The H5D-50c camera allows information from the lens and exact
capture conditions to be fed to the camera processor for ultra-ne-
tuning of the auto-focus mechanism, taking into account the design
specications of the lens and the optical specications of the
sensor. In this way the full H System lens program is even further
enhanced, bringing a new level of sharpness and resolution.
Detailed information about capture condition is also stored in the
image le. This information is then used by Phocus to perform
“Digital Lens Correction” (DAC), which is an automatic correction
of the images based on a combination of the various parameters
concerning each specic lens for each specic shot, ensuring that
each image represents the best that your equipment can produce.
Digital Lens Correction is available regardless if Phocus or Adobe
Photoshop Lightroom is used.