Below is an overview of the primary functions of the control wheels and buttons. Some controls have dual or triple
functions according to the state of the menu or setting. A full description can be found further on in this manual.
Button functions − overview
Shutter release button
Releases shutter. Also activates came-
ra from standby mode.
Locks settings to avoid inadvertent
change. Also accesses ash settings
as well as acting as Exit button.
AF button
Accesses focus modes.
ISO/WB button
Accesses ISO and White Balance
settings. Also acts as Save button.
Front control wheel
Accesses and changes various set-
MENU button
Accesses menu.
Illumination/Battery status button
Illuminates grip display. Accesses
battery status and general informa-
tion screen.
Turns the camera on and o. Accesses
Proles and acts as escape button for
other functions.
Rear control wheel
Accesses and changes various set-
M.UP button
Raises and lowers mirror. Can be
reassigned to another function.
Remote release cord port
For attaching a remote release
cord (electrical).
STOP DOWN button
Stops down aperture to current
setting. Can be reassigned to
another function.
Eyesight correction adjustment wheel
Adjusts viewnder image to suit
individual eyesight.
EV correction adjustment button
Produces EV exposure compensation.
EXP button
Accesses exposure mode and meter-
ing method.
True Focus button
Activates True Focus function. Can
be reassigned to another function.
Format button
Re-formats CF card.
AE-L button
Locks light reading made in both
automatic and manual exposure
modes. Can be reassigned to
another function.