Metering method
There are three metering modes available. All three are reective methods (measuring
the light reected o various selected parts of the subject according to method) and
are through the lens (TTL). These have the following designations (with their respective
display symbols):
– Centre Weighted
– CentreSpot
– Spot
Centre Weighted: Commonly used for ‘average’ light situations where there is no
particular dominance of light or dark areas across the tonal range. Takes into account
approximately 25% of the image seen in the viewnder.
CentreSpot: Emphasizes the central section of the focusing screen equivalent to
approximately 25% of the image. This provides a balanced assessment and is a typical
choice where the main subject is in the centre of the image.
Spot: The sensitive area is equivalent to approximately 2.5% of the image area (the
central spot on the viewnder screen). Any parts of the image outside of this area will
not aect the exposure reading. This provides a very accurate measurement of specic
tones. Typically used in the zone system and similar light measuring situations where
maximum control is required. Also excellent for tonal comparison measurements. The
spot mode can display ‘zones’ instead of EVs in the viewnder display (see Custom
Options #14
Selecting metering method
Proceed as follows with the camera in active mode:
1. Press the EXP button on the viewnder.
2. Turn the rear control wheel (in either direction 2a) to successively access the three
choices: Centre Weighted, Centre Spot and Spot 2b.
3. Press Save (ISO / WB button) to retain the setting.
Exposure method
Exposure can be controlled either manually or by using one of four automatic modes.
These have the following designations on the grip display:
M – Manual
A – Aperture (priority)
S – Shutter (priority)
P – Program
Pv – Program variable
In each mode you can see both the aperture and the shutter speed information on the
grip display and on the viewnder display.
In manual mode, aperture is set by the front control wheel and the shutter speed by the
rear control wheel unless set otherwise in Custom Options #26.
In the automatic modes, the aperture and shutter speed settings are controlled by the
camera, either partially or completely according to setting. Within this mode there are
four choices.
(Please see the Appendix for P and Pv mode charts that describe the aperture and shut-
ter speed setting combinations
Centre Weighted
(23 x 20 mm) ≈ 25%
(23 x 20 mm) ≈ 25%
(diameter 7.5mm) ≈ 2.5%