168-082010_ 210-212 Meter/Controller Page 10 of 17
The “COMMAND” pot adjusts the Analog command signal sent to the flow controller. The setting for each
controller connected to the power supply can be observed. (Depending on how the power supply was set up,
the display could indicate in flow units or percent of full scale).
2.7.2. Operation with a power supply other than a Hastings.
The flow controller must be connected to the power source as specified in section 2.6. In general, a 0-5 VDC
command signal proportional to the intended flow (0 volts = zero flow; 5 volts = 100% of rated flow) must be
applied to pin 14 of the “D” connector. A 0-5 VDC signal proportional to the flow rate through the
instrument will be present on pin 6 of the “D” connector. The control mode is selected via pin 8 of the “D”
connector. Apply +15 volts for full open, -15 volts for closed and allow pin 8 to float for flow proportional to
the command voltage. Refer to your power supply manual for the specifics of implementing these parameters.
2.7.3. Operation with an external sensor. (Fig. 2.2)
In some instances, it might be desirable to use an external sensor to provide process information to the control
circuitry in the flow controller. For example, you might want to control the pressure in a vacuum system by
adjusting the rate at which the system is backfilled with a gas. The new, enhanced HFC series of flow
controllers have provision for accepting a 0-5VDC output from an external sensor at pin 13 of the “D”
connector. To activate this feature, the cover of the HFC must be removed to gain access to PC-828 and
move a jumper on JP1. JP1 is a three pin jumper block located just below the “D” connector. In the normal
operating mode, the jumper covers the bottom two pins. To select “External Sensor”, move the jumper to the
upper two pins. This swaps the flow input to the controller circuit from the Flowmeter output to pin 13 of the
“D” connector.
2.7.4. Response to Command Changes
The response of the control circuit to changes to the command signal is set at the factory for fast, stable
response. Should it be necessary, the response is adjustable using the jumper labeled “JP4,” located in the
center of PC-828.
The fastest response to command changes is obtained when JP4 is covered by the jumper. This setup allows
larger overshoot and undershoots swings in the actual flow rate while the control circuit is establishing control
at the new command point. The slowest response to command changes is obtained when JP2 is uncovered.
This setup results in no overshoot or undershoot in the actual flow rate as the controller circuit establishes
control at the new command point.
To adjust the response, you need a means of producing a step change in the command voltage from 10% of
full scale to 100% of full scale. Follow the steps outlined below:
To prevent loss of the unused jumper, place over one pin only on JP4.
2.8. Range Changing:
The range of the flow controller can be changed in
the field if recalibration facilities are available. The
flow controller may require a different orifice,
which can be purchased separately from the
factory. A listing of the orifices available and their
flow rates can be found in Section 5.0. The
instructions to change the flow range can be found
in Section 4.6.
This section contains an overall functional
description of HFC Flow Controllers. Detailed
schematics and parts lists can be found at the end
of the manual in Section 6.0. In this section and
other sections throughout this manual, when a
power supply is mentioned, it is assumed that the
customer has a Hastings Power Supply. These
sections are not applicable if another type of power
supply is used.
Fig 2.2