If the speed difference between the settings on the speed change con-
trol are judged to be too little or do not exist at all it may be necessary
to adjust the cable.
1. Run the mower in the position for a few minutes.
2. If there is any play in the cable by nipple Y the cable must be adjust-
ed. Loosen the locking nut X and adjust the cable by screwing out the
nipple Y until the play on the cable is taken up.
3. Tighten the locking nut X.
Note! Do not tension the cable more than necessary, it should just sit
in the nipple Y without play. Too much cable tension will cause the
drive belt to break or result in damage to other parts of the transmis-
sion. When adjusting after maintenance (e.g. fitting a new belt) always
start with the nipple Y screwed in fully.
Lubricate the wheels, pivot points and linkages with engine oil every 25
operating hours.
Apply a good quality medium grease to the inner control cables at the
point of entry and exit from their outer casing.
Speed Change cable