8 9
(Code 432 & 433 only)
Release the engine stop lever.
(Code 434 & 435 only)
Release the engine stop lever and then the ground drive
clutch lever.
Emergency stop:
(Code 432 & 433 only)
Release the engine stop lever.
(Code 434 & 435 only)
Release both the engine stop lever and ground drive
clutch lever together.
If the engine fails to stop disconnect the spark plug
lead. (Refer g.10)
To prevent engine damage do not use the mower on
slopes greater than 20 degrees. (Refer g.11)
Height Of Cut
To adjust the height of cut: Hold the lever and pull
sideways to disengage it from the locking notch, then
push forwards to lower or pull backwards to raise the
height of cut. Finally release the lever at the required
position and ensure it locks rmly into one of the setting
Always select a height of cut to suit operating conditions.
Aim to prevent engine overloading and blockages by
avoiding low cuts in long grass conditions. Be prepared
to make two cuts when the grass is long. (Refer g.12)
Before Mowing
To prevent accidents, thoroughly inspect the area
and remove all objects which when contacted by the
mower cutterblade could become dangerous projec-
tiles. Inspect the area for hidden obstructions which
when contacted by the cutterblade could risk health
and safety or result in damage to the mower. Remem-
ber the location of these obstructions and ensure that
you mow around them. (Refer g.13)
Raise the rear deector and lift the grassbag and lower
the rear deector to rest against the rear of the mower.
To empty the grassbag, pour out the grass clippings and
shake the grassbag vigorously to clean the airways. Good
grass collection depends on good air ow through the
grassbag. When collecting grass clippings it is important
that the grassbag is emptied regularly to prevent block-
ages and engine overloading. (Refer g.14)
Without Grass Collection
Remove the grassbag and operate the mower with the
rear deector in the closed position. (Refer g.15)
Heavy Growth
Areas of heavy growth should be mown without
collecting the clippings. If collection is required, rst
mow the area without the grassbag at the maximum
height of cut setting. Allow the grass clippings to dry
out and then mow the area at the maximum height of cut
setting with the grassbag tted. Reduce the height of cut
and mow the area again as necessary until the required
nish is obtained.
To prevent damage to your lawn do not remove more
than one third of grass height in one cut. (Refer g.16)
Fig. 11
Fig. 13
Fig. 14
Fig. 15
Fig. 16Fig. 10
Fig. 12