Welcome to the
Heartland Classic Kitchen
Nostalgic beauty, unrivaled crasmanship and incredible attention to detail, superbly integrated with
the ultimate in functionality. Heartland’s family of gas, electric and dual fuel ranges, refrigerators,
dishwashers and woodburning cookstoves awaits you.
Drawing design inspiration from the legendary Oval Woodburning cookstove rst built in 1925, today’s
Classic Collection is for those who desire ne crasmanship. Lustrous nickel plated trim, the elegant
shape of the handle and curve of the nickel plated legs, the vintage oven temperature gauge that perfects
the look…these appliances will appeal to your taste for something dierent.
Refrigerators shown with optional cowl kit
Shown with optional Cowl kit - 539030
Shown with optional Cowl kit - 539029