For replacing an existing transformer, see instructions supplied with transformer.
WARNING: Turn power off at fuse or circuit breaker before installing transformer.
1. Verify existing chime/bell system works correctly. If no sound is heard, see
tion for more information.
2. Check transformer power rating. This chime requires a 16 Volt, 10 Watt transformer.
3. Remove cover from existing chime. Use masking tape or wire tags (provided on packaging) to
label all wires (“F”-Front Push Button, “T”-Transformer, “R”-Rear Push Button). Disconnect la-
beled wires from terminals.
4. Remove existing chime base from wall.
5. Route wires through wire entrance hole(s) in new chime base.
6. Mount chime base to wall using screws provided.
7. Connect wire “F” to the screw terminal marked “FRONT”. Connect wire “T” to screw terminal
marked “TRANS”. Connect wire “R” to screw terminal marked “REAR” (see Figure 2).
8. Place chime cover securely over base (see Figure 5).
9. Restore power. Press push button(s) to test chime.
For increased volume from chime, a 16 Volt, 15 Watt transformer is recommended.
(When Using a Pushbutton Other Than the
Pushbutton Supplied)
Installing Diode: A small electrical component called
a “diode” is supplied with the chime. This diode must
be installed on the terminal screws of the front door
push button (see Figure 4). Without this diode the chime
will not complete the entire tune selected. If, with the di-
ode in place, the chime does not play the complete tune
selected, see
Figure 4
Push Button
Diode (Included)
Push Button