2. Open the cases and locate the jumpers on both the doorbell button and
chime (See illustration).
3. The doorbell button and chime both have eight different jumper locations.
The jumper positions 1 through 7 are used for setting the code.
4. To change the code, add and/or remove jumpers as needed. There are 128
different combinations. It is recommended to only change one jumper at a
time and then check to see if system is functioning properly. Note: Jumpers
in positions 1 through 7 must be exactly the same for both the doorbell button
and chime for this system to function.
Tune Settings
Your Heath
/Zenith wireless doorbell has 3 different selectable tunes: Ding
(one note), Ding-Dong (two note), or Westminster (eight note). The factory
setting is for the Westminster; however, this can be changed by following the
instructions below.
• Ding (one note tune)
Doorbell button: Add a jumper to location 8.
• Ding-Dong (two note tune)
Doorbell button: Remove jumper from location 8.
Chime: Remove jumper from location 8.
• Westminster (Eight note tune)
Doorbell button: Remove jumper from location 8.
Chime: Add a jumper to location 8.
Note: Model 6167 has doorbell buttons for both front and back door. The back
door must use the Ding tune and the front door may use either the Ding-Dong
or Westminster tune.
Doorbell Button Battery Replacement
Install an alkaline type A23 12 Volt
battery. The positive terminal should be
positioned as shown.
* Code Settings 1-7
Must Match Both
Doorbell Button and
Remove screw to
open access door
Back of
Note: Some models
might require the use of
tweezers to remove and
replace the jumpers.