Operating Conditions
The Iron Curtain System has been validated by the WQA
under their S-200 Filter Standard for the reduction/removal of
iron, manganese, and/or hydrogen sulfide. The concentration
limits listed below reflect the maximum individual limit that
each contaminant was tested for separately without any
interference of other contaminants in the influent water.
In reality, however, we know that these contaminants may be
present in combination which may limit the filter’s ability to
remove these contaminants in higher concentrations. In
some cases, individual sellers of this equipment have had
success removing higher concentrations of contaminants—
iron, for example—above the limitations we have listed. If you
are considering the installation of this system for the reduc-
tion/removal of iron, manganese and/or hydrogen sulfide
beyond the printed operating conditions below, we recommend
that you consult the manufacturer for proper application.
Installation of this system under these circumstances may
void part(s) and/or all of the system warranty.
pH — The pH level of the influent water must be 7.0 or higher unless
you have a Type A filter, which will work on a pH of 6.0 to 7.0.
Iron — This system is rated for a maximum of 10 ppm of
ferrous (clear water) and/or ferric (red water) iron.*
Iron Bacteria — If iron bacteria are present; more frequent
service may result, the life of the Iron Curtain system may be
limited and the system may be unable to properly remove
iron. By properly controlling the iron bacteria with chlo-
rine or other approved methods for bacterial reduction,
the Iron Curtain System will function properly. One
option is to control iron bacteria within the Iron Curtain
is chlorine injection during the regeneration cycle. In
some instances, continuous chlorinaton of the water
supply may be needed.
Hydrogen Sulfide — Often referred to as rotten egg odor,
hydrogen sulfide will be reduced significantly on water supplies
containing less than 10 ppm. Past installations have shown
that hydrogen sulfide levels from 2.0 - 10.00 ppm will require
use of the Iron Curtain Remote Control Center and/or larger
aeration assembly. The Iron Curtain Remote Control Center
has an independent timer program which recharges the aeration
assembly with fresh oxygen up to six times per day, with the
filter(s) being regenerated with their own independent timer.*
Manganese — Limit 2.0 ppm; amounts present over 2.0 ppm
will gradually prevent iron removal. If manganese is present,
a larger filter should be installed with more frequent
backwashing. Note: For optimum manganese reduction, pH
should be greater than 8.5.*
Organic Matter (Tannins) — The presence of organic
matter such as tannins may tie up iron or manganese prevent-
ing the oxidation/filtration process from occuring.
The pres-
ence of organics such as tannins above 0.5 ppm voids any
claims for this system to perform as stated above. In some
applications, tannin levels below 0.5 ppm or the presence of
other organics may hinder the operation of this system.
Chlorine — The presence of chlorine in the raw water supply
ahead of this system should be limited to a maximum of 1.0
ppm residual and preferably 0.5 ppm or less when fed
Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) — While TDS does not
directly affect iron removal, it is a good indicator of potential
interference. Most waters have TDS less than 500 and gener-
ally present no problems to iron treatment. If any ion becomes
excessive, it can possibly cause failure of iron removal.
TDS more than 750 ppm voids any claims for this system to
perform as stated above.*
General Application
Guidelines for Residential
Iron Curtain Systems
Iron Applications
0.3 - 3.0 ppm Iron Standard IC System, sized for
application service flow rate,
set to regenerate every three days.
3.0 - 6.0 ppm Iron Standard IC System, sized for
application service flow rate,
set to regenerate every other day.
6.0 - 10.0 ppm Iron Standard IC System, sized for
application service flow rate,
set to regenerate every day.
10+ ppm Iron Consult Factory
Note: Manganese will also be reduced if the pH of the
water is 8.5 or greater.
Hydrogen Sulfide Applications
Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) consumes 7 times the amount of
oxygen to oxidize than iron does. Therefore, for Hydrogen
Sulfide Applications, we use the following guidelines:
0 - 1 ppm H2S Standard IC System, Aeration tank
sized for 2 minutes contact time.
2 - 4 ppm H2S IC System using Remote Control
Center with Pump, Aeration tank
sized for 2 minutes contact time.
Standard IC System could be used
for these applications, however the
system must be set to regenerate
every day to replenish air in
aeration tank. During high usage
times, available oxygen in the
aeration tank could be consumed,
allowing bleed through of H2S. By
using the Remote Control Center
with Pump, the air in aeration tank is
replenished every 4 hours and
filter(s) can be set to regenerate
everyday, every other day or every
three days.
5 - 8 ppm H2S IC System using Remote Control
Center with Pump, Aeration tank
sized for 3 minutes contact time.
Use an Iron Curtain Plus bed for
optimum results.
8-10 ppm H2S IC system using Remote Control
Center with Pump, Aeration tank
sized for a minimum of three
minutes contact time, Iron Curtain
Plus bed.
Also note that with TDS over 750 ppm, additional contact
time is recommended. Consult Factory.
*For application parameters outside the specified operating conditions or additional information regarding the listed items
contact your dealer.