2 Description
2.1 Theory of Operation
The suction hose or the suction arm (both accessories) has to be placed near the
bonding place. The unit exhausts the polluted air and blows out the cleaned air at the air
The combination of pre-filter and activated carbon guarantees a high filtration efficiency
of unhealthy gases, vapor and fumes. The large surface area and small particle size of
the actuated carbon maximizes absorption of polluted air.
Whenever adhesive vapors are involved, life expectancy can only be estimated, as the
amount of product vapors released depends on temperature, the exposed surface area
and the length of time.
Additional contaminant loads in the air being filtered may include oil mist, cigarette
smoke, etc.
For activators and primers, calculation of service life is easy: The filter will be saturated
after extracting vapors from approx. 2.5 to 3.5 liters of solvent. However, this does not
apply for heptane, which the filter will not adsorb.
Never spray directly into the extraction tube. Minimum spray distance is 50 cm.
Risk of explosion due to super saturation!
The unit can be used for all Loctite Cleaners. Estimating when the filter will be loaded is
easy. The filter will be loaded after extracting about 2 kg of solvents. This is equivalent to
approximately 6 spray cans. Combinations of adhesives with heptane based activators
and primers - e.g. 770, 7455, 7457, etc. are an exception. In this case life expectancy is
not expected to be reduced, as heptane loading on the filter is negligible.