
Parameters enclosed in [] can be omitted if no parameter follows,
and the default values are used. If there are any parameters following
the [], a NULL parameter ,, has to be used before the next parameter.
For instance: IM,,FFFFFFFFFF0E
Blank(s) and Comma(s) are both legal parameter separators.
Either uppercase or lowercase letters are allowed.
ADR = 12 digit hex 802.3 address (XXXXXXXXXXXX, X: a hex digit).
Specifies the destination station address of the NM command.
[default] local station ADR of the 802.3 LU specified by the LU#.
LU# = A decimal number in the range of 2 to 255.
[default] lowest 802.3 LU (even).
When there is more than one 802.3 card in the system,
LU in conjunction with ADR specifies the following:
If ADR=local LU identifies the card for which this command
is addressed to (if LU and ADR specify the
same card).
NOTE : When both ADR and LU are
specified and represent different 802.3
cards, the LU specifies the card that will
send the request onto the network and ADR
specifies the station address to which the
request will be sent.
For instance, in a system with 2 802.3 cards:
card1 : LU=60, ADR=000100020003
card2 : LU=70, ADR=000300040005
NM command : RC,000100020003,1,T,70
will tell NM to send a Read Temporary station address command
onto the network using LU=70 addressed to ADR=000100020003.
If ADR=remote LU identifies the card from which this request
is being sent onto the network.