
Listing People in Phone Book
Phone Book is another valuable part of your portable OmniBook. It is actually a
personal database containing names, addresses, and—most important—telephone
numbers, all ready for handy reference. You can add entries, delete them, search for
a specific name, or even search for specific text. This section gives a brief
introduction into using Phone Book.
To start Phone Book
In Program Manager, double-click the Phone Book icon (in the OmniBook
To add a person to the list
1. Double-click a blank line in the display area.
Press F2.
2. In the Name box, type a person’s name—for example, “Martin, Jean-Claude.”
Remember to type the last name first, because when you sort or search the list
of items, the operation begins by looking at the leftmost character. Putting last
names first will make it easier to find people later.
3. Type information in the rest of the Add New Item box. See the hints below.