However, the base model system may have insufficient memory to
store the entire document before printing begins, so you could experi-
ence unexpected ordering of your output pages. You can purchase
the executive model of this printer with 24 MB of memory, the 2425
TURBO EX with 32 MB of memory, or you can add additional memory
to the base model system to avoid this type of chunk collation prob-
lem. See appendix A, “QMS Customer Support,” for sales and sup-
port telephone numbers.
After being printed, media normally stacks face-down in the recessed
area on top of the printer. The face-down tray holds up to 500-sheets
of media.
The media stop keeps the media positioned in the output tray. For
face-down delivery, you must set the media stop to the correct media
Use the following directions to set the media stop:
1 Flip up the media stop, and slide it to the correct media size.
When printing different-sized media in the face-down tray,
set the media stop to the largest media size. If it is set to a smaller
size, large-size media will curl, block the opening (when delivered
to the output tray), and cause a media jam.