Whereis® Navigator Installation Guide for HP iPaq with In-Built GPS - version 2.5 Page 4
1.1 Acknowledgements
UBD and the UBD logo are registered trade marks of Universal Publishers Pty Ltd.
UBD maps are used by Sensis under license from Universal Publishers Pty Ltd.
Whereis® Navigator is powered by Webraska technology. Webraska Mobile
technologies is a registered trademark of Webraska.
technology was used in developing the mapping database.
Microsoft, Activesync, Windows and Windows Mobile are either registered trademarks
or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.
Whereis® and the Whereis® logo are registered trademarks of Telstra Corporation
Limited. GeoFresh™ is a trademark of Telstra Corporation Limited.
1.2 Disclaimer
You must only use this software and follow its instructions when it is safe to do so and in
accordance with any traffic regulations. Do not key in data while your vehicle is moving. Your
personal judgement, traffic regulations, and common sense must always take precedence over
instructions produced by this software.
Accuracy of the data
Although Sensis takes reasonable measures to ensure that the information contained in this
software is complete, accurate and up-to-date, Sensis, Telstra and their licensors do not guarantee
the completeness, accuracy or suitability of the information provided by this software.
Exclusion of liability
To the extent permitted by law, you use this software at your own risk and any loss or damage
suffered is your (or any other user's) responsibility.