Software Updates Are Free!
Hewlett-Packard provides free software updates on the HP Procurve website for
your Series 2300 and 2500 switches. To access the software updates, go to the
Procurve website at http://www.hp.com/go/hpprocurve
, then click on Free Software
Register for Automatic Notification of Updates. From the Free Software
Updates page you can also register yourself to automatically receive email notice
of new updates for your managed Procurve networking products. Just follow the
instructions on that page for how to receive the update notices.
To determine whether you have the latest software, you can compare the software version that is
available on the website with the version that is currently installed on your switch. Follow the
instructions below to determine the current software version on your switch.
To Determine the Current Software Version in Your Switch. For the Series 2500 switches, use
any of the following methods to view the version; for the Series 2300, use the second method:
Start a console session with the switch. In the console login screen (the first screen
displayed), the Firmware revision line under the switch name shows the software version.
If you already have a console session going or are connected to the Download Port on a
Series 2300 switch, at the prompt enter the command show version. In the resulting display,
the current software version is listed.
In the web browser interface, click on the Identity tab. The current software version is listed
as the revision number in the Version line.
Your Free Ticket to Proactive Networking for Your Series 2500 Switch!
HP TopTools for Hubs & Switches is a breakthrough in network management software that gives you
more network with less work. The TopTools for Hubs & Switches CD is included at no extra charge
with your HP Procurve Series 2500 switch. See the system requirements printed on the sleeve
containing the HP TopTools CD.
Additions to the Installation and Getting Started Guide
The following information pertains to the use of transceivers with your Series 2300 and 2500 switches.
In the following text, any mention of negotiation of “flow control” assumes that flow control is Enabled
for the port, which allows the negotiation. In the default configuration, for the Series 2300 switches,
flow control is enabled; for the Series 2500 switches, flow control is disabled, but can be enabled
through the switch console or other configuration interface.
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