
Switch Memory and Configuration
Multiple Configuration Files
Displaying the Content of A Specific Startup-Config File
With Multiple Configuration enabled, the switch can have up to three startup-
config files. Because the show config command always displays the content of
the currently active startup-config file, the command extension shown below
is needed to allow viewing the contents of any other startup-config files stored
in the switch.
Syntax: show config < filename >
This command displays the content of the specified startup-
config file in the same way that the show config command
displays the content of the default (currently active) startup-
config file.
Changing or Overriding the Reboot Configuration
Command Page
startup-default [ primary | secondary ] config < filename > Below
boot system flash < primary | secondary > config < filename > 6-30
You can boot the switch using any available startup-config file.
Changing the Reboot Configuration Policy. For a given reboot, the
switch automatically reboots from the startup-config file assigned to the flash
location (primary or secondary) being used for the current reboot. For exam-
ple, when you first download a software version that supports multiple
configuration files and boot from the flash location of this version, the switch
copies the existing startup-config file (named oldConfig) into memory slot 2,
renames this file to workingConfig, and assigns workingConfig as:
The active configuration file
The configuration file to use when booting from either primary or second-
ary flash.
In this case, the switch is configured to automatically use the workingConfig
file in memory slot 2 for all reboots.
You can use the following command to change the current policy so that the
switch automatically boots using a different startup-config file.