
vi HP OmniBook 2100/3000/3100
This service manual provides reference information for the HP OmniBook 2100/3000/3100. It is
intended to be used by HP-authorized service personnel in the installation, servicing, and repair of
these products.
The manual is designed as a self-paced guide. It is intended to train you to install, configure, and
repair OmniBook computers. You can follow this manual without having equipment available.
The following table lists additional places where you can get supplementary information about
OmniBook products.
Sources of OmniBook Information
Source Address or Number Comments
HP External Web http://www.hp.com/omnibook
European mirror)
No usage restriction.
HP US Reseller Web http://partner.americas.hp.com Restricted to Authorized Resellers only.
HP Asia Pacific Channel
Support Centre for DPSP
http://www.hp.com.au Restricted to DPSP Partners only.
America Online Keyword: HP Call (800) 827-6364 for membership
within the US.
CompuServe* GO HP Call (800) 524-3388 for membership
within the US.
HP Bulletin Board Service Refer to the latest Product Support Plan
for non-US BBS numbers.
HP First (automated fax) (800) 333-1917 US and Canada.
(801) 344-4809 Outside US and Canada.
(800) 544-9976 Reseller support number (enter outlet id
HP Support Assist CD-ROM (800) 457-1762 US and Canada.
(801) 431-1587 Outside US and Canada.
* Baud rates = 300-28,800; Parity = E; Data bits = 7; Stop bits = 1.