
Software Fixes in Release M.08.51 - M.10.72
Release M.10.14
Release M.10.14
Problems Resolved in Release M.10.14
CLI (PR_1000342461) — Command “show lldp info remote <port number>" reports incorrect
information for remote management address.
LACP (PR_1000352012) — LACP state change does not properly reset 10Gig port.
Communication through port fails until the port is toggled.
LLDP (PR_1000310666) — The 'show lldp' command does not display information learned
from CDPv2 packets.
Trunking (PR_1000352851) — Source Port Filtering on trunks does not work, even though
the switch accepts the configuration.
XRRP (PR_1000350110) — XRRP loses layer 3 functionality (pinging) after VLAN is added.
Release M.10.15
Problems Resolved in Release M.10.15
CLI (PR_1000358129) — CLI hangs after running RMON traps code.
Crash (PR_1000351410) — Bus error when pinging switch IP from local serial console.
PPC Bus Error exception vector 0x300: Stack-frame=0x067d40e8 HW
Addr=0x33cc33d2 IP=0x0056a8f8 Task='tNetTask' Task ID=0x67d4278 fp:
0x00000014 sp:0x067d41a8 lr:
Crash (PR_1000352177) — Switch crash when pinging an unreachable host repeatedly,
with a message similar to:
Software exception at alloc_free.c:362 -- in 'mLinkTest',
task ID = 0x5be24d0.
Hang (PR_1000346328) — Switch hangs during initialization, switch may fail to boot.
RMON alarms/events configuration files may be corrupted.
Release M.10.16
Problems Resolved in Release M.10.16 (never released)
802.1x (PR_1000353479) — Changing the supplicant start period (e.g., "aaa port-access
supplicant A1 start-period 15") corrupts the supplicant password on a switch that is config-
ured as a supplicant.