6–12 Reference Guide
If the Modem Is Not Detected
■ Check the modem setup. In Control Panel, open Phone and
Modem Options. Check the COM port.
■ Open the hardware Device Manager. Select Start > Control
Panel > Performance and Maintenance > System. If the
modem is disabled, try to enable it. If it has a conflict, try
disabling another device.
■ If you are running fax software using fax Class 2, try using
Class 1.
If the Modem Dials, But You Cannot Hear It
■ If your model has an audio mute light, make sure it is turned
off. If it is on, press the audio mute button.
■ Check the speaker volume setting.
■ In Control Panel, open Phone and Modem Options, then
select the modem and select Properties. Check the volume
setting on the General tab.
If the Modem Connects, But Transferred Data Is Bad
■ In Control Panel, open Phone and Modem Options. Make
sure the parity, speed, word length, and stop bits match on
sending and receiving modems.
■ Try a different phone line or dial a different server number.
If the Modem Causes an ERROR Message
A string of AT commands may contain an incorrect command. If
you entered commands as extra settings for the modem in Control
Panel or in your communications software, check the commands.