
Table 1-4 lists and describes the configurable branches under the Maintenance icon.
Table 1-5 lists and describes the configurable branches under the InfiniBand icon.
Table 1-4: Maintenance Icon Branches
Branch Description
System Information Click this branch to view and configure the information that appears in the
System frame.
Time Click this branch to configure the time and date on your switch and to assign
NTP servers to your device.
File Management Click this branch to view, import, export, and install files in the file system on
your device.
Boot Configuration Click this branch to select a configuration for your switch to use when it
Click this branch to save your running configuration to a file.
Save Config Click this branch to save the running configuration as the startup
configuration. When your switch reboots, it runs the updated configuration.
Reboot Click this branch when you want to reload your switch.
Services Expand the Services icon to display the following branches:
General—displays the following system services and lets you configure
RADIUS Servers—displays the RADIUS server(s) that your device can
use to authenticate user logins and lets you configure attributes of the
Authentication Failures—lists CLI, SNMP, and HTTP authentication
Diagnostics Click this branch to view switch diagnostic data.
Table 1-5: InfiniBand Icon Branches
Branch Description
Subnet Managers Click this branch to view and configure the SMs in your fabric.
Services Click this branch to view the IB fabric services that have registered with
the SM.
Topology Expand the Topology icon to display the following branches:
Nodes—click this branch to view the IB nodes in your IB fabric.
Ports—click this branch to view the IB ports in your IB fabric.
Neighbors—click this branch to display the interconnecting IB
nodes, and relevant ports, in your IB fabric.