Index 42
ACU (Array Configuration Utility) 13
adding drives 32
ADU (Array Diagnostic Utility) 35
Array Configuration Utility (ACU) 13
array controller installation overview 7
Array Diagnostic Utility (ADU) 35
array expansion 32
array, configuring 13
array, moving 31
automatic data recovery (rebuild) 29
batteries, replacing 17
batteries, specifications 5
battery pack LEDs 34
battery replacement notice 39
board components 5
boot controller, setting 14
BSMI notice 39
cable part numbers 11
cables 38
cache, features 5
cache, replacing 21
Canadian notice 38
compatibility of parallel SCSI drives 10
compromised fault tolerance 27
configuring an array 13
connectors 5
controller board, features of 5
controller board, installing 9
controller installation, overview of 7
controller LEDs 33
controller order, setting 14
data recovery 27, 29
data transfer rate 5
device drivers, installing 16
diagnostic tools 35
drive failure, detecting 26
drive LEDs 25
drivers 16
drives, moving 31
electrostatic discharge 37
environmental requirements 5
error messages 26, 35
European Union notice 38
expanding an array 32
extending logical drive capacity 32
failure, hard drive 26
fault tolerance, compromised 27
Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
notice 38
firmware, updating 12
grounding methods 37
guidelines, replacing hard drives 28
hard drive capacity, upgrading 31
hard drive LEDs 25
hard drive, failure of 26, 27
hard drive, replacing 28
hard drives, adding 32
hard drives, determining status of 25
hard drives, installing 10
hard drives, maximum number of 5
hard drives, moving 31
hard drives, types supported 5
installation overview 7