Spare part
572727-001 Palm rest for use in red computers with 14.0-in displays (includes TouchPad)
572728-001 Palm rest for use in red computers with 15.6-in displays (includes TouchPad)
572747-001 AMD Athlon QL-66, 2.2-GHz processor with 1-GB L2 cache (for use only with the following system boards:
574505-001, 574506-001, 585802-001, 585803-001)
572748-001 AMD Turion RM-76, 2.3-GHz processor with 1-GB L2 cache (for use only with the following system boards:
574505-001, 574506-001, 585802-001, 585803-001)
572932-001 14.0-in AntiGlare display assembly for use in red computers not equipped with a webcam
572933-001 14.0-in AntiGlare display assembly for use in red computers equipped with a webcam
572934-001 14.0-in BrightView display assembly for use in red computers not equipped with a webcam
572935-001 14.0-in BrightView display assembly for use in red computers equipped with a webcam
572936-001 15.6-in AntiGlare display assembly for use in red computers not equipped with a webcam
572937-001 15.6-in AntiGlare display assembly for use in red computers equipped with a webcam
572938-001 15.6-in BrightView display assembly for use in red computers not equipped with a webcam
572939-001 15.6-in BrightView display assembly for use in red computers equipped with a webcam
572940-001 15.6-in AntiGlare display assembly for use in red computers equipped with a webcam and WWAN module
572941-001 15.6-in BrightView display assembly for use in red computers equipped with a webcam and WWAN module
574505-001 System board for use in computers with UMA graphics subsystem memory that do not include a WWAN module
that use AMD ZM, RM, QL, or SI processors
574506-001 System board for use in computers with discrete graphics subsystem memory that do not include a WWAN
module that use AMD ZM, RM, QL, or SI processors
574513-001 Power button board for use in computers with 15.6-in displays (includes cable)
574514-001 Power button board for use in computers with 14.0-in displays (includes cable)
575124-001 320-GB, 7200-rpm hard drive
575125-001 500-GB, 7200-rpm hard drive
576251-001 AMD Sempron M100, 2.0-GHz processor with 512-GB L2 cache (for use only with the following system boards:
585218-001, 585219-001, 585220-001, 585221-001)
576252-001 AMD Athlon II M320, 2.1-GHz processor with 1-MB L2 cache (for use only with the following system boards:
585218-001, 585219-001, 585220-001, 585221-001)
576253-001 AMD Turion II Ultra M500, 2.2-GHz processor with 1-MB L2 cache (for use only with the following system
boards: 585218-001, 585219-001, 585220-001, 585221-001)
576254-001 AMD Turion II Ultra M600, 2.4-GHz processor with 2-MB L2 cache (for use only with the following system
boards: 585218-001, 585219-001, 585220-001, 585221-001)
578024-001 AMD Athlon II M300, 2.0-GHz processor with 1-MB L2 cache (for use only with the following system boards:
585218-001, 585219-001, 585220-001, 585221-001)
578366-001 14.0-in HD BrightView display assembly for use in black computers equipped with a webcam and WWAN
583055-001 AMD Turion II Ultra M520, 2.3-GHz processor with 1-MB L2 cache (for use only with the following system
boards: 585218-001, 585219-001, 585220-001, 585221-001)
Sequential part number listing 51