Configuration Commands
Table 89 SNMPv3 Target Address Table Configuration commands
Command Description
snmp-server target-address <1-16> name
<1-32 characters> address <transport
IP address>
Configures a transport address IP that can be used in the
generation of SNMP traps.
Command mode: Global configuration
snmp-server target-address <1-16> port
<transport address port (1-65535)>
Configures a transport address port that can be used in the
generation of SNMP traps.
Command mode: Global configuration
snmp-server target-address <1-16>
taglist <1-255 characters>
Configures a list of tags (up to 255 characters maximum) that
are used to select target addresses for a particular operation.
Command mode: Global configuration
snmp-server target-address <1-16>
parameters-name <1-32 characters>
Defines the name.
Command mode: Global configuration
no snmp-server target-address <1-16>
Deletes the Target Address Table entry.
Command mode: Global configuration
show snmp-server target-address <1-16>
Displays the current Target Address Table configuration.
Command mode: All
SNMPv3 Target Parameters Table configuration
You can configure the target parameters entry and store it in the target parameters table in the SNMP
engine. This table contains parameters that are used to generate a message. The parameters include the
message processing model (for example: SNMPv3, SNMPv2c, SNMPv1), the security model (for
example: USM), the security name, and the security level (noAuthnoPriv, authNoPriv, or
The following table describes the SNMPv3 Target Parameters Table Configuration commands.
Table 90 SNMPv3 Target Parameters Table Configuration commands
Command Description
snmp-server target-parameters <1-16>
name <1-32 characters>
Configures the locally arbitrary, but unique identifier that is
associated with this entry.
Command mode: Global configuration
snmp-server target-parameters <1-16>
message {snmpv1|snmpv2c|snmpv3}
Configures the message processing model that is used to
generate SNMP messages.
Command mode: Global configuration
snmp-server target-parameters <1-16>
security {usm|snmpv1|snmpv2}
Selects the security model to be used when generating the
SNMP messages.
Command mode: Global configuration
snmp-server target-parameters <1-16>
user-name <1-32 characters>
Defines the name that identifies the user in the USM table, on
whose behalf the SNMP messages are generated using this
Command mode: Global configuration