Display/Video TFT SVGA
Display (CTS
Active Matrix
TFT VGA Display
(CT Models)
Active Matrix
DSTN Display (C
Size 10.4 inches
10.4 inches
10.4 inches diagonal
Resolution 800 x 600 x 256
Refresh: 90ms
(18 bit)
640 x 480 x
65,536 colors.
Refresh: 90ms
(18 bit)
640 x 480, 16 or 256
colors. Refresh:
(8 bit)
Video bus, display
32-bit PCI bus, 1.5
MB display RAM
32-bit PCI bus, 1.5
MB display RAM
32-bit PCI bus, 1.5
MB display RAM
Memory 1.5-MB display
1.5-MB display
1.5-MB display RAM
Display Manufacturer: Hitachi
Video graphics controller chip: Chips and Technologies CT 65545
External video resolution (both types): Supports VGA/SVGA
external monitors with up to 1024 x 768 x 256 colors in
noninterlaced mode. Resolution options:
Resolution Maximum colors
640 x 480 64K
800 x 600 64K
1024 x 768 256.00
Auto detection of external monitor without rebooting
Note: Includes option to simultaneously display external video and notebook
TFT Display Quality
TFT display manufacturing is a high precision but imperfect technology and
manufacturers cannot currently produce large displays that are cosmetically perfect.
Most if not all TFT displays will exhibit some level of cosmetic imperfection. These
cosmetic imperfections may be visible to the customer under varying display
conditions and can appear as bright, dim or dark spots.
This issue is common across all vendors supplying TFT displays in their products
and is not specific to the HP OmniBook display.
The HP OmniBook TFT displays meet or exceed all TFT manufacturer's standards
for cosmetic quality of TFT displays. HP does not warrant that the displays will be
free of cosmetic imperfections.